In Romania, the Archangels are cherished because they are believed to be the guardians of the Gates of Heaven and participate in the Last Judgment. Popular beliefs say that the Archangels are the fulfillers of God’s will, and on this day, the elders say it is good to light a candle to have light in the afterlife.
Saint Michael, depicted in iconography as the bearer of a flaming sword, embodies divine justice and the bearer of victory over the devil. It is believed that he stands at the bedside of the sick, and tradition says that he guided the Jewish people through the desert and showed Constantine the Great the sign of the cross, telling him, “By this sign, you shall conquer!”
Saint Gabriel embodies divine mercy. He is the Archangel of joy, gentleness, and the Annunciation. Tradition says that he rolled away the stone from the tomb at the Resurrection and announced the Resurrection of the Lord to the Myrrh-bearing Women.
Therefore, on this very special day, we wish a warm “Happy Name Day” to all our colleagues and collaborators who celebrate their name day, and may the Archangels watch over you.
Happy Name Day to our colleagues Mihaela Barbulescu and Camelia Mihaela Runcan. Happy Name Day to Mrs. lawyer Mihaela Ciobanu. Happy Name Day to our collaborators Gabriel Pastrav, Mihaela Negrea, Gabriela Farczadi, Mihai Ianovici, Gabriela Belean, Mihai Stancu, Gabriel Ionescu, Horatiu Mihail Sermasan, Gabriel Popescu, Mihai Gheorghe, Gabriel Bercea, Mihai Tanase, Gabriela Pelin, Mihai Slatineanu, Gabriel Badescu, Gabriel Berbecaru.
Also, a warm “Happy Name Day” to all the dear people in your lives who bear this beautiful name!