Wire Ropes

Non-rotating steel wire ropes construction 35W×7

Product details

Steel wire ropes, produced by winding in three lays strands construction 1×7 of different diameter, around a central steel strand core 1×7.
This is a non-rotating construction: under a certain tension the rope does not torsion, so that this rope is suitable to use on tower cranes.
Quality and delivery condition according to EN 12385-4. Delivery in bright or galvanized condition.

In case you place a new order please include in the order details the following additional information: type of rope (galvanized or bright), destination of rope, and specific conditions of use.

Application Areas

cranes, hoisting

Technical details

Nominal diameter Unit weight Minimum breaking load
[mm] [kg/100m] 1960N/mm2 [kN] 2160N/mm2 [kN]
8 29,1 45,2 48,4
9 36,8 57,2 61,2
10 45,4 70,6 75,6
11 54,9 85,4 91,5
12 65,4 102 109
13 76,7 119 128
14 89,0 138 148
16 116 181 194
18 147 229 245
20 182 282 302
22 220 342 366
24 262 406 435
26 307 477 511
28 356 553 593
32 465 723 774
36 588 914 980
38 656 1019 1092
40 726 1129 1210
42 801 1245 1334
44 879 1366 1464
46 961 1493 1600