Measures to Prevent COVID-19 Infection

Maintaining personal health and respect for those we interact with requires taking additional measures and training staff for the new challenges of hygiene control. Based on the premise that it is more important to prevent than to treat, we have created a set of measures for the safety of our employees and visitors (collaborators, partners, clients, suppliers). We have also created a set of recommendations for people visiting us during this period. Thus:

Secretariat Area
Although our colleagues at the Secretariat wear masks, we assure you that they have the same welcoming smile you are accustomed to. Before entering the administrative building, you are invited to disinfect your hands and footwear. Please check your body temperature at the thermometer installed at the Secretariat. The maximum temperature allowed for entry is 36.8°C. Keep a safe distance of 2 meters. You are requested to wear a protective mask when interacting with COTRACO staff and in common areas. You will notice that all employees wear masks during their service. We recommend avoiding greeting gestures that involve handshakes or hugs. Even if we do not use these gestures, please know that our respect for visitors remains unchanged. If you have not visited us in the past 2 weeks, you may be asked to complete a declaration on your own responsibility stating that you do not have symptoms of cough, cold, and that you have not been in contact with people having COVID-19 symptoms. Access to spaces other than public ones – namely the pedestrian access alley, main access stairs, elevator, and Secretariat area on the 2nd floor of the administrative building – is not permitted for non-employees. Elevator access will be allowed for a maximum of 1 person. We recommend using the elevator for going up and the stairs for going down.

Workspaces, offices, warehouses, interior access routes
Offices and workspaces are arranged so that staff can maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters. We disinfect common areas and objects in the Secretariat area and offices every day. We daily disinfect common areas with a UV lamp. Cleaning staff is equipped with masks, gloves, and disinfectant substances approved by the Ministry of Health are used for cleaning and disinfection. The dining room is disinfected daily, including with a UV lamp, and all accessories (dishes, cutlery, glasses, cups) are washed in automatic dishwashers. Workers’ equipment is washed and steamed at high temperatures. Restrooms are equipped with soap, disinfectant, and paper towels. After using the toilets, it is recommended to wash hands for at least 20 seconds.

Requirements for COTRACO visitors in the context of COVID-19
Accept and comply with the rules regarding imposed procedures, both in interaction with COTRACO staff and other delegates. Always follow personal hygiene and protection rules while on COTRACO premises. Complete the health status declaration truthfully and accurately. Follow the circulation routes within COTRACO premises. Accept to wear a protective mask in enclosed spaces, when interacting with staff, and in common areas. Maintain a safe distance of 2 meters when interacting with staff and other delegates. Wash your hands as often as possible with soap and water (for at least 20 seconds) and use the disinfectant solutions provided in common areas. Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands and do not cough unprotected. Notify the company’s Secretariat at or COTRACO representatives if you exhibit specific COVID-19 symptoms within 14 days of your visit.

Only by respecting basic hygiene measures and care for ourselves, the environment we operate in, and the people we interact with can we reduce the negative impact of the pandemic and contribute to the economic development of Romania.

Thank you.

Sângeorgiu de Mureș, 1.11.2020