Bowden strand = steel strands in construction 1x19
Snowchains = tire protection chains
6x19 is a semiflexible construction ; the wire rope is used for timber harvesting hardwoods (beech, oak etc.) or where are demands of intense friction
6x37 is a flexible construction; este constructia flexibila ; the wire rope is used for the softwood timber
- for the same diameter of rope the breaking strength is much better than for standard ropes
- the surface of timber harvesting is larger (70-80 meter instead of 50 meter)
- the worklife of rope is increased
- the price/quality rate is improved
- H or linked type
- as this is an original COTRACO production, we intend to extend in the near future with new construction of tyre chains
SKIDDER - 19 cross links
SKIDDER linked - 10 clout links
Traktor - 17 cross links
1100 - 14 cross links
1200 - 17 cross links
2,5mm. - 2,5 kg./box and 15kg./package*
3,2mm. - 2,5 kg./box and 15 kg./package*
4mm. - 5kg./box and 20 kg./package
5mm. - 5kg./box and 20kg./package
(*)the number of boxes on the main box may differ; please consult sales representatives for more details.
1,6mm. - 40kgf. ;
2,2mm. - 100kgf. ;
2,8mm. - 145 kgf. ;
3,5mm. - 400 kgf. ;
4,5mm. - 600 kgf. ;
5,5mm. - 1000kgf. ;
6,5mm. - 1600 kgf. ;
7,5mm. - 2100 kgf.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: the galvanized chains are not for lifting purposes !
Every geografical area is covered at least once a week, so any order can be delivered up to maximum end of next week starting from the date of order (*)
(*) the quantity and specification is important; special orders depends also by the delivery time from the producers/main suppliers.
All or documents for the delivered products are accompanied by the conformity declaration; for specific demands the quality certificates can be issued too, in strictly conformity with the quality certificates of the producers.