Oils and greases

Baroil® U90Ca3 grease

Product details

The quality conditions for U90 Ca3 GREASE are as follows:


Packaging, marking, storage, transport, and handling are done according to STAS 4225 and internal instructions/procedures.
Packaging method: Buckets of 0.4 kg – 1 kg – 4 kg – 9 kg – 30 kg; 170 kg drum.
The warranty period is 5 years from the date of manufacture.

Application Areas

For lubricating bearings, housings, and other devices and mechanisms, according to prescriptions, under normal load conditions.

Technical details

No. Physico-chemical characteristics: Values Test methods STAS/SR(EN)ISO/ASTM/ GOST
1 Aspect Homogeneous grease Visual
2 Color Light yellow to brown Visual
3 Smell Specific, of petroleum product  
4 Dropping point, °C ≥ 93 STAS 37 SR ISO 2176
5 Flash point, °C ≥ 220  
6 Pour point, °C ≥ -30  
7 Viscosity at 0°C and average deformation speed gradient 10/s, Pa.s Max. 250 GOST 7163-84
8 Determination of semi-solid consistency, cone penetration at -60°C, 25°C, (0.1mm) 235 – 255 STAS 2392 SR ISO 2137
9 Shear strength limit at 50°C, Pa (g/cm²) Min. 363 - 431 ( 3,7-4,4) GOST 7143
10 Free alkali content by mass when converted to NaOH, % 0,08 -0,11 STAS 4947
11 Content of free organic acids Missing GOST 6707
12 Content of mechanical impurities insoluble in HCl Missing STAS 12721, pct. 4
13 Water content, % 0,9 - 1,2 STAS 24/2
14 Content of calcium soaps, fatty acids in the composition of fats, % Min. 11 GOST 9211
15 Water solubility Insoluble  
16 Solubility in organic solvents Soluble  
17 Oxidative properties Under standard storage conditions, the grease does not oxidize, hydrolyze, or polymerize.  

* National Lubricating Grease Institute